1.1 Representations


Baby Driver (Film)

Image result for baby driver apartment

Middle to working class. Baby is generally seen in low class places like a small apartment with outdated furniture with his only legal way to make money being a pizza boy. However Baby surrounds himself with very high class individuals like his boss.

Baby driver has many different characters throughout the film with varying disabilities such as his foster dad, who in the picture has some leg difficulties and is also deaf. Baby himself has a disability called tinnitus, which he got from his car accident he had as a child. There is also a high class arms dealer with dwarfism.

As seen in the picture a minor character, Baby's foster dad, is black. There is also another minor character that we see introduced halfway through called "Batts" who is also black. Baby is white along with most of the characters seen, He also worked with a hispanic guy. 

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Act 1 (Tv series)

Image result for jonathan joestar
Upper class mixed in with working class. Jonathan Joestar (JoJo) is part of a high class family and is always seen in lavish homes and clothes and even has his initials embroidered into many handkerchiefs. His family has reached the apex of his era and therefore get a lot of attention making his class a problem for Jonathan's life.

JJBA does not really have any disabilities due to its time period of being the victorian era where people couldn't be kept alive if they had a disability. But later in the shows multiple series we do see many disabilities like a mentally disabled student, a crazy nazi scientist with robot body parts and a main character thats stand restored his ability to walk.

Most of Act 1 includes just English, white males and females with no change in ethnicity. However in Act 2 we are introduced to a minor black character called "Smokey Brown" who is funnily enough named after his race and has a major impact related to his race later in the act, which has a link to the time era. Smokey is generally represented as the shy good kid unlike his only friend, the new white main character, "Joseph Joestar" who is a rambunctious man with a childish mind but with incredible fighting techniques. All the main characters of the JoJo franchise are white males apart from one being a white female.

Curb your Enthusiasm (Sitcom)

Image result for larry from curb your enthusiasm on bus
Middle class. Larry is seen taking public transport and is also seen in economy class on a flight, as seen by the picture above.

Larry doesn't seen to have any disabilities apart from having mild arthritis but the entire series does include some people with disabilities like a woman with a loose bowel.

Larry does have a black friend that is seen a few times throughout the series and there are people of different ethnicities in the background of some scenes.



Since The Apartment was made in a time where women were getting used to their rights it is fair for it to be misogynistic in ways. E.g. The women in the film only talk about their relationship with men and never about anything else when talking to another women.

Back then men were the bosses and women were caretakers. If the women had an issue with something about the man, no one would listen to them and in-fact they probably were shunned upon. so it was not an issue at the time due to those factors. 

On the other hand, the females play a key role as without them, it would not work or be as fluid as it is now.

However, In 2020, it would seem very misogynistic and offensive to some unless you label it as referencing to the 1900's or label it offensive to some viewers. A main group of people that would be offended would be feminists / women's rights activists.


The oscars has been a big cause of controversy. in 2020, there was a problem that caused uproar in the film industry that there was no female actors that were given or nominated for awards. This is very surprising as the recent years have opted for being inclusive.

Moving away from a male dominated industry has played heavily in the increase of female directed and main lead actor movies in comparison to many years ago. In earlier times having a woman in the role of a director was unheard of and would just not have been seen.

In future, to get equality I think they should introduce categories (like actors) with female director nominations and male director nominations.


  1. This is a good start and you give an overview and a few examples for each area. However you could build. more complex analysis each representational area by explaining f character are presented positively or negatively, discussing how much agency they have (do they have influence in the story?), and bu comparing the representations across the products.


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