
Unit 4 – Evaluation

1.     My show reflects on 4 main features, Traitorism, Worth, Allies and Conflict. As shown in my “Title Sequence Pitch” I explain these 4 features. These 4 features are relatable, especially ‘Traitorism’, to the audience I have chosen being of the age that they must have experienced this first hand. ‘Worth’ is also a large feature within my show and represents many things, such as the self-worth people have can be lost in an instant when shown a prize unimaginable by many. It could also mean the worth people have for each other and how highly they respect a main role. Since my show is relatable in multiple ways I find that it should be successful within a large group of people.

2.     Gender, Age and Stereotype all differ from the original The Apartment (1960). Gender is represented differently as I have given the female roles something other than an assisting role. I have represented age as an achievement as most of the characters within my show are below 30 years of age and have big roles that would take many years to get too, unlike the general 50-year-old bosses and managers in The Apartment (1960). I also broke some stereotypes with the female roles having more screen time and breaking audience expectations by not being; submissive, supportive or having an assistant role.

3.     With 2019 being a very accepting year people can be what they want to be, aka: gay, bi, transgender, etc… although I do not intend to have these as a minor or major role, I will want to include these into the show by having them put in one way or another. Also, feminism being a thing; I have made the female roles less to the audience expectations, making them more independent.

4.     Right now, I want to include minority groups that have good connection with the main character but the entire point is that the main character can’t have strong connections with people. The way I intend to combat this is give these minority groups high roles within the show, like the head of management within the business.

5.     The show I have created is more of a hybrid of many themes and genres which include some subgenres that conform to the audience for their pleasure. Although, the main genres that influence the show is drama and internal conflict. Those 2 genres I borrowed from the detective dramas that show how the main character copes with their job. The drama in my show should be enough to pleasure the audience in some way and if not, the comedy and action would be enough to do so.

6.     The original side of my show is the entire concept of fake friends and how even the people you hold close to you can be just as selfish and as greedy as the rest. Hence the key theme of ‘Traitorism’.

7.     As my show is heavily based around drama I could include the normal conventions like mysterious characters that we know nothing about or the convention of a prize when the drama is over, e.g. Money for being the main characters friend. Those conventions could attract an audience as it isn’t just your normal drama show.

8.     My understanding of narrative structure has really helped me with the character arcs and has also helped me set up a strong story arc with good, meaningful plot points. Seeing how many big films and shows follow the same arc of having a rise in action to a climax then resolution and finally back down to reach equilibrium again. I made my show follow that same arc in hopes that it would get big.

9.     The Apartment’s (1960) narrative structure didn’t really influence me and my show as I didn’t believe it would captivate an audience as there was not really any action and the plot points were extremely shallow, to me at least.

10.  In the title sequence pitch, I have used graphics and colours to set a strong dark underlying tone that adds to the excitable mood of the show. The images and text symbolise what my show is about and its themes are also reflected by the images in the title sequence.
